Prior to beginning any of these exercises, click the button below and take 5 minutes to read these exercise principles

Upper & Lower Extremity Exercise Principles

Bicep Strengthening

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Purpose of Exercise: Restore strength and endurance to the biceps muscle.

Patient Position: As depicted in image to the left or using an individual dumbell.

Exercise: From a fully extended arm, slowly bend the elbow, moving the hand toward the shoulder. The cadence should be up to a count of 2, hold 2, down to a count of 4, rest 2.

Complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Tricep Strengthening

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Purpose of Exercise: Restore strength and endurance to the triceps muscle.

Patient Position: As depicted in image to the left using a theraband.

Exercise: Grasping the theraband overhead and keeping your elbow tucked into your side, slowly extend the arm until the elbow is fully straight.   The cadence should be down to a count of 2, hold 2, up to a count of 4, rest 2.

Complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Shoulder Flexion

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Purpose of Exercise: Restore strength and endurance to the front shoulder muscles.

Patient Position: As depicted in image.

Exercise: With the thumb up and keeping the elbow straight, lift the arm just to the level of the shoulder. Use a 10 count cadence with the exercises – i.e. up to a count of 2, hold 2, down to a count of 4, rest 2.

Complete 3 sets of 20 repetitions.


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Purpose of Exercise:Restore strength and endurance to the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder.

Patient Position: As depicted in image.

Exercise: With the thumb pointing away from your body and keeping the elbow straight, lift your arm at a 45 degree angle from your body. Use a 10 count cadence with the exercises – i.e. up to a count of 2, hold 2, down to a count of 4, rest 2.

Complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Shoulder Rotation Strengthening

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Purpose of Exercise: Restore strength and endurance to the rotator cuff muscles .

Patient Position: As depicted in image.

Exercise: Lying on your side, place a towel roll between your upper arm and trunk.  Bend your elbow and grasp a light hand weight. Maintaining contact between the upper arm and towel roll, lift the weight toward the ceiling until it is parallel to the floor. Use a 10 count cadence with the exercises – i.e. up to a count of 2, hold 2, down to a count of 4, rest 2.

Complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Seated Press Up

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Purpose of Exercise:Restore strength and endurance to the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder.

Patient Position: As depicted in image.

Exercise: While seated, place both hands on the arms of the chair. Pressing through the hands, arms and shoulders, lift yourself up until your buttocks just comes off the chair and your feet come off the floor. Use a 10 count cadence with the exercises – i.e. up to a count of 2, hold 2, down to a count of 4, rest 2.

Complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions.


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Purpose of Exercise: Restore strength and endurance to the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder.

Patient Position: As depicted in image.

Exercise: Lying face down with involved arm hanging straight to the floor.  Rotating the thumb up (hitchhiker position), raise the arm out to the side and slightly in front of the shoulder until it is parallel to the floor. Use a 10 count cadence with the exercises – i.e. up to a count of 2, hold 2, down to a count of 4, rest 2.

Complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions.


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Purpose of Exercise: Restore strength and endurance to the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder.

Patient Position: As depicted in image.

Exercise: Lay on your belly with one arm holding a dumbell and hanging over the side of the table or bed. Keeping your chest on the table, pull the weight up toward your chest. Use a 10 count cadence with the exercises – i.e. up to a count of 2, hold 2, down to a count of 4, rest 2.

Complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Ceiling Punches

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Purpose of Exercise: Restore strength and endurance to the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder.

Patient Position: As depicted in image.

Exercise: Lay on your back with one arm holding a dumbell. Keeping your elbow straight, raise the arm a point where the weight is directly above you. From this position, push the weight toward the ceiling. Use a 10 count cadence with the exercises – i.e. up to a count of 2, hold 2, down to a count of 4, rest 2.

Complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions.